Friday, September 01, 2006

Stuck in a McFlurry

The British hedgehog population has plummeted by up to half over the course of a decade, a survey suggests. The report has prompted fears that the population of the prickly creatures is slowly being wiped out.

Even as the survey results were being released it emerged that fast food chain McDonald's had agreed to alter the design of its ice cream containers, which wildlife campaigners claimed were death-traps to hungry hedgehogs.

Animal welfare groups have also welcomed the move by McDonald's to issue "hedgehog-friendly" ice cream cups, after a spate of deaths.

The animals were getting their heads stuck inside the McDonald's McFlurry containers while sniffing for food, ending up starving to death.


Anonymous said...

Misfit are you making up these stories?

Anonymous said...

No he's not making up these stories. I read this somewhere else yesterday. Of course it would be wonderful if we self-serving lazy humans would not litter in the first place. Thankfully there are people who care about innocent creatures in our environment & suckup the expense of changing their products to make things better for them.