Monday, April 02, 2007

Burglars steal kitchen

A Yorkshireman returned from travelling the world to find burglars had stolen his entire kitchen.

James Elstub, from Dewsbury, returned from holidaying in Thailand, Australia, New Zealand and the USA to find his kitchen had been stripped.

Thieves broke in and took all the appliances and fittings in the room, Halifax Home Insurance said.

Mr Elstub said: "I can't believe I returned home from my holiday to find burglars had stolen my kitchen sink.

"The criminals must have been bold, as it would have taken considerable time to strip the kitchen.

"The burglary felt like a complete invasion."

Mr Elstub claimed for £3,000 for the damage caused by the break-in and for a replacement kitchen.

"My replacement kitchen arrived very shortly so I only had to put up with two weeks of microwave meals," he added.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It reminds me a book I have read, "The Clothes They Stood Up In", by Alan Bennett, a very funny book which tells the story of a couple in England coming home from theatre and finding their flat completely and absolutely empty: everything taken away, including telephones plugs, curtains and so on, and obviuosly sinks.
Read it till the end to understand why the thieves did it that way...

Franco (