Saturday, September 09, 2006

Saudi to ban the sale of cats and dogs

Municipal authorities in the Saudi Arabian cities of Mecca and Jeddah have banned the sale of cats and dogs as un-Islamic.

Saudi's religious police, the Muttawa, have been instructed the prevent the sale of cats and dogs in order to prevent the spread of Western ideas into the highly Islamic country, Saudi media reported on Friday.

"Some youths have been buying them and parading them in public," said a memo sent from the Municipal Affairs Ministry to Jeddah's city government to explain the ban.

The Muttawa are normally tasked with forcing women to cover themselves, ensuring men attend mosque prayers and enforcing other Islamic obligations.

Banning the sale of dogs may surprise few in the desert kingdom, since conservative Muslims despise dogs as ritually unclean.

But the cat ban has baffled many. Islamic traditions say that the Muhammad, Islam's founder, loved cats - even in one instance letting a cat drink from his ablutions water before he washed himself for prayers.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

frfrfrfofrfrfrofrfoofrfrfrforfrofrofrfforforofofog frog frog frog frog frog for go frog go frog frog frog

Anonymous said...

filthy secret filthy secret psychological flaws - mandelson and brown doing it, caught by meacher's assistant, tony blair doing it with carol caplin oooh secrets! secrets! hypocrisy! politicians above scrutiny and above the law! like something out of the German Democratic Republic, Heir Honecker!